07 Mar Achieve creative ideas and break the mold
If we continue doing the same things, we will not get different results. Every day the environment requires us to go further and achieve solutions or innovative and very creative ideas to keep us afloat. If you think you can not do it, you should keep reading.
The first thing to do to start generating creative ideas is to tear down a very important myth: it is a lie that creativity is a privilege that only a small group of people enjoy, on the contrary, we are all creative, it is only necessary to explore and practice .
Then, once we know that we can all be creative, it was time to say how to do it. The truth is that there are many techniques, it is also true that not all work for everyone, but without a doubt, it is an approach to the process, which each person will later adapt according to their needs.
A question of inspiration: creativity must be nurtured so that it can grow, for this it is necessary to look for contents that inspire us, that open our minds and that motivate us. This can be from going to a museum and visiting a gallery, walking in a park, watching a video, looking for material or photographs, etc.
A little research: if you have a specific problem, or a particular situation that you want to solve, it is important to look for previous information and document it. Find out what previous solutions have been given to this question and thus look for ways to improve it or take it much further.
Do not dismiss anything: forget prejudices, no idea is bad, crazy or impossible. Let’s put all the cards on the table, no matter how unlikely it may seem. During a creative process, everything is valid and everything serves as an input to generate new ideas, so do not inhibit yourself, do not overdo it, just let yourself be carried away and expose what you think without shame or embarrassment.
Surround yourself with people: a creative process will always be more enriching when working in a group.
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